

8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

reaching the world for christ

Sandhills Alliance Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread in our local community, state, country and throughout the world. We do this out of joy and gratitude for what God has done in our lives and in obedience to the command Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:16-20:

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Learn more about the practical ways we serve others and share the Gospel by reading about our mission partners!

Missions We Support localy and GLOBALLY

LifeCare Pregnancy Center

In Moore County, babies are being lost before they breathe their first breath. Men and women are hurting, struggling to find a solution, not knowing there is a God who offers love and hope. Every year 1.2 million abortions occur in our country - 1 every second. But abortion isn’t just a national epidemic. It’s in our state. It’s in our communities. In North Carolina almost 20,000 abortions occur each and every year. Life Care Pregnancy Center was founded to offer women considering abortion a place to go before they make this life-changing decision. At Life Care Pregnancy Center, women are empowered with information and truth. They find hope, care and support. They find life – and Christ. To learn more, click the link below.
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sandhills/moore coalition for human care

Sandhills Coalition for Human Care is a state chartered 501c(3) nonprofit corporation established in 1986 by eleven local churches. Today the Coalition is supported by 64 area churches (including Sandhills Alliance Church), the United Way of Moore County, individuals, businesses, and civic groups throughout the community.The Coalition’s mission is to “alleviate hunger and financial strains of struggling households in Moore County. “ At the Gilmore Center, families in need can receive clothing, food and assistance with financial crises. Services are made possible through generous community backing, the support of dedicated volunteers, and sales at The Coalition Resale Shops. Click below to learn more.

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Colecting, trimming and sorting postage stamps for the Alliance Stamp Ministry is a great mission effort that everyone can participate in! The income from their sale goes to support preparation, publishing, and distribution of a Spanish language curriculum for Sunday Schools. More than 50 lesson series have been published and are being used in churches in 40 different denominations in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, Spain and even in the USA.
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adult & teen challenge

Adult & Teen Challenge of Sandhills, NC is a residential faith-based, long-term recovery program for men struggling with life-controlling addictions.Adult & Teen Challenge of Sandhills, NC is a residential faith-based, long-term recovery program for men struggling with life-controlling addictions.
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