Women's Ministry


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service


The word of God - the Bible - is our guidebook for life. Every time we study God's word, His Spirit reveals truths that help us live lives for kingdom impact in our homes, at work, and in the community. We dig into God's word in small groups where we can freely ask questions, share scripture insights, encourage one another and pray together.
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opportunities for Women's Fellowship

We become stronger individually, and collectively, when we establish meaningful relationships with other women in the body of Christ. From shared activities and unique special events, to memorable experiences and loads of laughter…there’s nothing like incredible women doing life together! Please join us for numerous opportunities to build these wonderful relationships throughout the year.
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Service & MIssions Projects

We actively seek opportunities to show the love of Christ through service - locally, in the US, and around the world. Whether we are sewing kits for young women at Bongolo Hospital in Gabon West Africa or collecting baby bottles filled with loose change and bills for our local Pregnancy Care Center, we join hands and hearts in meeting the needs of those beyond our church.
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