Serving Girls Overseas in a Special Way!


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

by: Christine Abbott



During recent years, the women of the Christian and Missionary Alliance have developed a focus on projects that will help and support our denomination's mission efforts. One of these projects is making re-usable sanitary pads for girls in third world countries who have neither access to or the money to purchase disposable sanitary protection. Over the past 2 years, the women's group at Sandhills Alliance Church have been working to support this effort, and a number of packs have been given to the Project Director for the Alliance Women South, who sends them to the national collections site. They are then included in the shipments that are sent to Bongolo Hospital (a Christian and Missionary Alliance hospital in Gabon, Africa), and are distributed from there. Each pack consists of underwear, soap, one pad holder and 6 pads, all packed in a drawstring bag. Recently, we took several packs to the Alliance Women's District Retreat and gave them to the district project manager.

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During recent years, the women of the Christian and Missionary Alliance have developed a focus on projects that will help and support our denomination's mission efforts. One of these projects is making re-usable sanitary pads for girls in third world countries who have neither access to or the money to purchase disposable sanitary protection. Over the past 2 years, the women's group at Sandhills Alliance Church have been working to support this effort, and a number of packs have been given to the Project Director for the Alliance Women South, who sends them to the national collections site. They are then included in the shipments that are sent to Bongolo Hospital (a Christian and Missionary Alliance hospital in Gabon, Africa), and are distributed from there. Each pack consists of underwear, soap, one pad holder and 6 pads, all packed in a drawstring bag. Recently, we took several packs to the Alliance Women's District Retreat and gave them to the district project manager.

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