Dragon Slayer (Revelation 12)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Dec. 19, 2021


During Advent, we look to the birth - nativity - of baby Jesus and the  salvation He offers if we place our trust in His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection. This message focuses on the story behind the nativity. We turn in our Bibles to Genesis 3 where Satan, also called the Dragon, successfully tempts Adam and Eve to question God's word, reject His authority, and break their relationship with God. Sin and death then enter the world. Thankfully, we quickly hear from God as He shares His plan to redeem - recover - this broken relationship through a Child that would conquer sin and death. In Revelation 12, we read of an upcoming battle of epic proportion where we see a vision of Jesus - not as a helpless baby - but as a Dragon Crusher!