Jesus the Refugee (Matthew 2: 13-18)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Dec. 12, 2021


Throughout the Scriptures we read how Satan worked to thwart God's plan  of redemption many times in many ways. In Matthew 2, we read about one of those attempts occurring shortly after Jesus' birth. We also read how God worked in a miraculous way to triumph because God ALWAYS keeps His promises! During this Advent season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Messiah - who God PROMISED back in Genesis chapter 3. Even today, Satan attempts to destroy God's redemptive plan and we see the results in this broken world around us. It can cause us to weep. But, knowing that Jesus defeated sin on the cross and defeated death by His resurrection, restores our joy, an eternal joy that comes from the assurance that we can aways trust God to be true to His words!