Put on the Belt of Truth (Ephesians 6: 14)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Aug. 18, 2024


Today, we begin looking at the specific pieces of spiritual armor God has made available to us - if we make the right choice to clothe ourselves in them. In today's scripture verse, we learn about the "Belt of Truth" and two ways for a follower of Christ to use this piece of armor in his or her daily life. First, how to Learn and apply the truths of the Word of God to our lives. Second, the need to build the discipline of not allowing lies to creep into any aspect of our lives.

Prayer for Putting on the Belt of Truth

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I claim the protection of the belt of truth, having it buckled it securely around my waist. I pray the protection of the belt of truth over my personal life, my home and family, and the ministry God has appointed for my life. I use the belt of truth directly against Satan and his kingdom of darkness. I aggressively embrace Him who is the truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, as my strength and protection from all of Satan’s deceptions. I desire that the truth of God’s Word shall constantly gain a deeper place in my life. I pray the truth of the Word of God may be my heart’s delight to study and memorize. Forgive me for my sins of not speaking the truth. Show me any way in which I am being deceived. By the Holy Spirit of Truth, open the scriptures to my understanding and guide me into the practical understanding of His words of truth. I ask the Holy Spirit to warn me before I deceive anyone and to ever protect me from believing Satan’s lies. thank you, Lord, for making my local church a pillar and foundation for Your Truth in my life. Help me to relate to my church and give protection and help to others as well as receive it myself. I see Lord Jesus Christ, that my ability to be invincibly strong and able to do Your Will despite Satan’s subtle ways requires the stabilizing power of the belt of truth. Thank you for providing this piece of the armor. I take it gratefully and desire to have an ever-deepening understanding of its protection through Your Power. Amen!

Taken from Overcoming the Adversary, by Mark Bubeck. Copyright 1984. Moody Press. Used by permission.