Take the Helmet of Salvation (Ephesians 6:17)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Sep. 22, 2024


Helmets have always been a key piece of equipment for entering battle. We are soldier for Christ in a spiritual battle and today we learn about the Helmet of Salvation. We will answer the question, "Why do we need it?" And because the Helmet of Salvation protects our minds, we will also consider four strategies Satan uses against our minds and how the helmet protects against these attacks.

A Prayer for Putting on the Helmet

Loving Heavenly Father, I take up the Helmet of Salvation. I recognize that my salvation is the Person of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I cover my mind with Him. I desire that He put His mind within me. Let my thoughts be His thoughts. I open my mind fully and only to the control of the Lord Jesus Christ. Replace my own selfish thoughts with His. I reject every projected thought of Satan and his demons and request instead the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grant to me the wisdom to discern thoughts that are from the world, my old sin nature and Satan’s kingdom. I praise You, Heavenly Father, that I may know the mind of Christ as I hide Your Word within my heart and mind. Open my heart to love Your Word. Grant to me the facility and capacity to memorize large portions of it. May Your Word be ever over my mind like a helmet of strength, which Satan’s projected thoughts cannot penetrate. Forgive me of my neglect, my failure to aggressively take the salvation always available to me. Help me to fulfill the discipline of daily duty to appropriate Your salvation. These things I lay before You in the precious Name of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Taken from Overcoming the Adversary, by Mark Bubeck, Copyright 1984. Moody Press. Used by permission.