The Breastplate of Righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Aug. 25, 2024


As a soldier of Christ, God provides all the spiritual armor we need to fight the battle to maintain our freedom in Jesus. Today, we look at the breastplate of righteousness that we received at the moment we placed our faith in Jesus for salvation. 

Satan is the accuser of believers - and one way he accuses is to remind us of past sins so that we forget we've been eternally forgiven. And, as a result, we may feel unworthy to serve God. Let's look at three questions which, when answered, will silence Satan's accusations against us. First, what is the breastplate of righteousness? Second, what does it mean to wear it? Last, What happens to our breastplate of righteousness if we sin?

Below, is a prayer for putting on the breastplate of righteousness:

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. 

 In this moment, I repudiate any dependence I may have upon my own goodness. I embrace the righteousness that is mine by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I look to the Holy Spirit to be effecting righteous actions, pure thoughts, and holy attitudes in my life. 

 I hold up the righteous life of the Lord Jesus Christ to defeat Satan and his kingdom. I affirm that my victory is won and lived out by my Savior. I eagerly ask and expect that the Lord Jesus Christ shall live His righteousness through me. 

 Through the precious blood of Christ, cleanse me of all my sins of omission and commission. Let me walk in a holy and clean manner that honors God and defeats the world, the flesh and the devil, through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen

 *Taken from Overcoming the Adversary, by Mark Bubeck, Copyright 1984. Moody Press. Used by permission.