The Truth & the Consequences (Acts 5: 17-32)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Jun. 05, 2022


The truth of the Gospel demands a response! In today's scripture, we see the Jewish leadership respond to the truth about Christ as shared by the Apostle Peter. They went on the attack - out of envy, fear, being stuck in religious tradition - and attempted to intimidate the Apostles. But their attacks - and God's miraculous protection - only bolstered the Gospel message. 

In this message, we are challenged to ask, "How do I respond to the truth of the Gospel? Do I desire a RELATIONSHIP with God made possible through Jesus's death on the cross as the payment for my sin? Am I allowing God to radically change my life? Am I growing in my Christian faith? Am I still committed to Jesus, my first Love?" This message makes us examine ourselves and respond - whether through an initial profession of faith in Jesus or asking the Holy Spirit to help us grow in our faith.